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Tailored Behavior Support Professional Services: Addressing Daily Living and Maladaptive Behaviors

Behavior Support Professional

Behavior Support Professional

Behavior Support Professional Services are provided to members with identified deficits in areas of daily living or members who may have maladaptive behaviors. Behavior Support Professionals may develop training plans that include member-specific methods of instruction to address areas of living a member may want to focus on (such as learning how to cook a simple meal or complete hygiene tasks on their own). Additionally, Behavior Support Professionals are trained to identify the root causes of maladaptive behaviors and work with the member and their team to identify methods of teaching replacement behaviors.

Behavior Support Professionals provide member-specific training to all direct care workers for a member. This training includes the likes and dislikes of the member, behavior interventions and strategies, and goals and methods that will help a member work towards independence. 

I am the mother of Abby, who started at Pace-Tec rehab and has been under CCIL's care from age 20 to 44. Despite frequent changes in staff, CCIL's consistent support and experienced supervisors have been crucial in managing her challenges and successes. Their reliable presence has provided us with a strong support system, allowing us to navigate Abby's journey confidently. Not sure where we would be without CCIL’s support.

— Connie E.

Britt Huerta-Crouch, BA

Team Member Spotlight

Britt Huerta-Crouch, BA, Clinical Services Manager

Britt Huerta-Crouch joined CCIL as a Service Coordinator in 2019 for the Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) office in Beckley. In November of 2021, Britt became a Clinical Services Manager covering 4 offices providing servi...

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